The Akarma Project
The current development paradigm is affected by the delusion of an endless economic growth, by unsustainable levels of consumption, depletion of natural resources and land, by pollution of the natural environment, energy inefficiency, widespread recused human and social rights, and by the overall weakening of social justice. this harmful ongoing process, impinged on self-interest and devoid of any consideration for the common good, leaves behind, embedded in products, services and processes, and in the individual and collective consciousness, marks and debris (karmic traces) earmarked with its own injurious performance obstructing the way to any further development. in point of fact, the removal, ‘healing’, “cleansing†of this debris is crucial if any fresh advancement may be granted to the endless human pursue of the other than the self.
To counter effect this state of affairs and to link the top to the bottom of the pyramid with a spinal cord, a “clean†sustainable development backbone feeding the whole system and allowing energetic exchanges to freely flow to and fro both directions; to facilitate and foster a sustainable systemic change to an as much as possible debris-free clean sustainable development (csd) ensuring clean processes, products and complex devices for future generations, spanda has envisioned the clean code project and, in its framework, the clean code standard (ccs).
The Akarma Clean Code ProjectÂ