The Spirit Inspires my Way

As religions and spirituality converge towards their heights, mysticism becomes a substantial generative field for dialogue. This regard gives rise to the third part of the project: the comparative multimedia thematic editorial series The Spirit Inspires my Way.

The series, supervised by a Scientific and Cultural Board and directed and edited by one or more scholars in the field, is made up of printed works – containing a DVD – on Jewish, Christian and Islamic mystical texts, and is structured along interconfessional and transcultural lines for a better understanding of the central themes in the Abrahamic religions. The series includes writings, reflections, poems, aphorisms, sayings, intuitions and thoughts of the greatest mystics, spokesmen and interpreters of the three major monotheistic religions of the Middle East, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These are texts that – notwithstanding belonging to different ages and cultures – bear witness to the likeness in all traditions of the mystical path and its inner stages. This positively confirms the sameness of the deep spiritual structure of the human being, regardless of his temporal, geographical and cultural setting.

The individual volumes cover authors, aspects and issues of that particular mystical area; introductions and historical-literary and theological commentaries; exegetical and philological notes; and a detailed apparatus criticus (bibliography, abbreviations, primary and secondary sources, etc.).

All texts are newly translated, updated on the critical editions of the original texts, made by specialists under the supervision of the Scientific and Cultural Board. Preface and/or introduction; text, with or without illustrations; apparatus criticus, biography. with analytical and thematic keys for cross-reference consultation; documentary material; bio-bibliography of the author; music and illustrations are taken from the history of art of the individual culture.